
Monday, October 29, 2012

Goodby My Sweet Girl

November 26, 2001 to October 29, 2012
"Forever Loved"
It must be fate that the original post for today was for painted Memory Boxes because I now have the sad news of telling you that my Millie (almost 11) went to Rainbow Bridge today.  She has had stomach issues for many years and over the past few months has gone downhill.  This past weekend she started to fail and because I loved her so much, I let her go.  She's now romping pain free with her two bully brothers, free from suffering.  While I am here in an all too empty house with a broken heart.   Some day there will be a very joyous reunion.  Until then, please give your fur kids a hug for me today....


  1. Aww... :-(
    She was such a good girl. The sweetest, girliest bully I've ever known.
    Sad, sad day.
    Rest in peace, sweet Moo.

  2. She has a good life because you loved her and she knew it. How unselfish of you to free her from pain

  3. Oh Cindy, I am so sorry. The loss of a beloved pet is a very deep loss as they are like our children too. Only time will heal your broken heart & at some point you will be ready to accept a new fur baby into your life. Thought & prayers are with you. Kathy

  4. I am so sorry for the loss of Millie. I am sure that she is grateful that you put her comfort above the pain of losing her. A truly selfless approach. I hope, in time, you can smile at joy she brought to you.

  5. Dear Cindy,
    Your willingness to help Millie be relieved from her suffering is a true statement of your love and commitment to your four-legged family member. I pray that through your sadness, you will find comfort through your eleven years of the wonderful memories that you shared with your special girl.

  6. My heart aches for you. I am so proud of you for all that you did for her and letting her rest in peace.

  7. I am so very sorry for your loss. I just loss one of my own fur babies at the end of August, so I understand the pain you are going through. My sweet girl was also just shy of her 12th birthday. May the wonderful memories you have of Millie sustain you through this difficult time.

    Lisa D.

  8. (((hugs))) I am so sorry to hear of your loss. She will always have a special place in your heart.


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