
Friday, March 18, 2011

Technique: Embossing & Painting with Ink

If you remember my post from a few weeks ago, I recently took the "Painted Petals" class at Archiver's.  It was very enjoyable and I played around with the techniques so I could share with all of you.  The first technique is "Embossing & Painting with Ink"  First of all, you need the right stamps for this technique.  Unfortunately the class was on the last day of my "Creative Weekend" after I'd already shopped all weekend, so I do not have the best possible stamps for this technique.  But I made do with what I had! 
The two stamps on the left have a lot of "negative" area.  Those type of stamps are a good choice for one of the ways to paint with ink.  The stamp on the right has a lot of outlined areas which is the other good choice for this technique.
Here's what you need:
--White cardstock
--Embossing Ink
--Distress Ink (your choice of colors)
--Zing Embossing powder (white)
--Heat gun
--Water brush
--Craft mat (optional)
1.  Using Embossing Ink, stamp your image on cardstock.  Sprinkle on EP and heat with gun until embossed.  (NOTE:   I tried other embossing powder brands and they did not work as well as Zing for this technique)
2. Using your craft mat as a palette, press your Distress Inks directly on it (if you don't have a mat, use a piece of clear packaging or wax paper).  Then using your filled water brush, dip into the ink and brush onto the areas where there is no embossing powder.  Use more water for a lighter color.  If color not dark enough, pick up more ink with the brush and go over.
As you can see in the example above, the EP makes it quick and easy to put the color down neatly.  If you used a more detailed stamp, like on the card I did at Archivers (shown below) this "watercolor" effect would look like you spent a lot of time on the design.  Here's another example:
Here's the card I did at Archiver's:
I'm on the look out for more stamps with a larger negative image.  I'd stayed away from them before because I really didn't like the look of a lot of ink.  But when you use embossing as the negative space, it really changes how the stamped image looks. 
Here is the example using the "lined" stamp:
The raised portion of the embossing makes it so easy to "stay in the lines" and whip it out really fast.  Varying the intensity of the ink color adds interest. 
This is what I did at Archivers:
This stamp had a nice blend of negative space and lines to be painted in.  Unfortunately they were sold out of them at the store.  Now look in your stamp stash and see what you have that will work with this technique!


  1. Thank you for explaining how to do this!

  2. These are stunning. Love the flowers in particular.

  3. Beautiful cards. Thanks for sharing this technique.

  4. Wow this is a great tech thanks for sharing! Your samples are amazing!!
    Denise in WA


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