
Friday, July 22, 2011

I'm A "Featured Artist"!

I'm proud and pleased to let everyone know that I am today's
"Featured Artist Friday" profile on Paper Dolls/Mod Paperie. 
If you'd like to take a peek, you can see the feature HERE
Thanks to Tamara and Thienly for selecting me! 
Be sure and check back with them on Monday for a Challenge I'll be sponsoring.

To celebrate, this weekend only,
I'm offering
 all my files 
50% OFF
at both


  1. Congrats..You'll be awesome. Keep those designs coming. I love your work

  2. We loved having you and wow - that's a great sale! We'll post it to the PD wall!

    Thanks for the beautiful challenge file, too - you are going to be amazed at what the guest designers made with it!


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