
Friday, September 23, 2011

Inspiration Card Class "Homework"

I've been taking the online "Inspiration Card Class" with Jennifer McGuire and loving all the great techniques I've learned.  I've never taken an online class before and it's been great.  Plus, I have access to all the technique videos and pdfs forever. 
Today was the last day of class and I have only half of the project finished.  I did change it up a bit.  Jennifer has all her samples done with hearts and then mounted to a canvas.  As most of my studio wall space is hung with bulldog art, I thought I'd steal an idea from Jean (on the OWSE yahoo group) and put my samples on tags. 
Above are the samples that are shown on the first row of Jennifer's canvas. 
All great Resist Techniques.
On the back I put a brief summary of the technique for quick reference. 
I'll put all the tags on a ring(s) and that should make it really easy
to pull them out and get inspiration!
Here are the tags for the second row of the canvas:
Samples of the third row are done and on the tags. 
Just have to type up the directions.
Hopefully I'll be able to share those and the rest of the samples soon!


  1. great samples! What a wonderful idea to put them on tags on a ring.

  2. These are great and will make a useful tool.

  3. Great idea to use the tags and I love how you have labelled them and put the description on the backs to refer back to.

  4. What a great idea! I'm doing a canvas, but I just may take some extras and make a tag, too :)

  5. I just signed up for this class and saw your post in the gallery. I love this idea and I was wondering what font you used.



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