
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Painting Ornaments

Many years ago when I used to paint and sell in holiday craft shows, I was known as "The Ornament Lady". I had hundreds of ornaments that I sold...wood, glass, name it.  If I could paint on it, I turned it into an ornament.  People would look for me each year to get personalized ornaments for their family members.  TIP:  Use a Sharpie to personalize ornaments.
Now a days, I paint ornaments for family members and for charity.  Here are a few I've done recently...
I LOVE painting lace ornaments and I was lucky to have been taught from the best--many years ago I took a convention class with the great PATRICIA RAWLINSON.  
I've also had lots of classes (and practice) painting roses--the decorative painter's holy grail!  lol
Another style of roses--funky!  This is one of a set of similar ornaments I painted for my niece.  I used a regular glass ornament.  Just painted over it with acrylic paint!
This flat glass ornament was finished off with silver braid glued to the edge.

1 comment:

  1. What a treat to see these beautiful ornaments! Each one a treasure. Holly M.


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