
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Painted Wine Glass Holder

Featuring another Chinese auction donation.  This one is the wine set shown above.   It features a hand painted wooden holder.
Here's a close of the grape design.  This is based on a design by Patricia Rawlinson.  I just incorporated it to fit the piece.  Believe it or not, I painted this twice.  The first time I used old varnish.  I noticed that the bottle had a lot of product in the bottom that wasn't mixing.  So being the cheapy  thrifty person I am, I stirred and stirred and used it.  Next morning...horrors!  The entire piece was cloudy!!  Too late to wipe it off and Goof Off didn't help either, except to take off all the varnish and paint.  So I sanded and started again.  Luckily not a complicated or lengthy project.  A valuable lesson learned!

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