
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Custom Lake Sign

Sorry I've been away from the blog lately.  I recently committed to being part of a local "Girls' Night Out" next month and I've been feverishly working to get enough product to take to it to sell.  I've made lots of new things to show you...just not enough time to blog about it!  However I'll be able to take some time off of the day job next week and promise to get back to my regular blogging schedule soon after.  Besides, it's summer...we're all kicking back a bit, right?!  
In the meantime, here's one of the new items I'm taking orders for at the event (and am also selling on Etsy).  I made the sample just for me---it's sitting on my great room shelf right now!  Signs are hot right now, and a personalized sign is even better.   

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