
Monday, September 8, 2014

Some "Sassy" Cutting Boards

Purchase this HERE
I've been doing a lot of vinyl cutting getting ready for an upcoming show.  One of the first things I made were these small cutting boards, which have been extremely popular on the vinyl FB groups.  I bought the small square and round ones at my local Dollar Tree.  Apparently the plain ones are very hard to come by so I'm glad I was able to get a nice stash!  I've also heard that you can get nice larger glass ones at Wal-Mart.
Once I had scored the cutting boards I wanted to create some fun sayings to put on them...especially as the show is a "Girls' Night Out" event with lots of wine, food and fun being featured.  
Purchase this HERE
Purchase this HERE
These three cutting boards were the result and I decided to share them by making them available at my online store in case you would like to make some of your own.  I think that they would make awesome gifts...especially for those upcoming Christmas exchanges.
Perfect timing to feature these too as today kicks off the third season of the Creative Cutting Challenge.  The theme is "Anything Goes" and if you use SVG or similar electronic files in your crafting, I hope you'll play along.  A prize is awarded so you just might win!  Even if you don't use SVGs, I hope you'll click over to see what the DT has created for you....lots of inspiration there!
If you like to purchase these, you can grab them HERE.  I have also made these designs open for commercial use.  See the store listing for details.
As I was on a cutting board roll, I also created these:
A compass design that would be great for boaters.
Purchase this HERE
 I've seen this design all over the place.  I just curved the words to fit the round board.
 White vinyl also looks good on the glass!
 The pictures above and below are from files I had collected over the years.  Sorry I don't know who the designers are.  I added the "Cheese" to the bottom design.
Finally, here is a gift I made for my SIL's birthday.  They call their cottage the "Sucker Shack".  lol
The type I used was "Oreo" and the artwork is from my SVGs:  Fall Leaves and Acorn


  1. New cutting boards are so much fun and the perfect gift for weddings and showers or just because. TFS!

  2. Too cute! I'm sure they will be popular at your girls' night out.

  3. What a great idea, they look fantastic.


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