
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Polymer Clay Pendant Necklace

Well I finally did it!  I made a batch of polymer clay and resin jewelry. 
I've been meaning to do this, oh for about 13 years!  I'd found a pasta machine at a garage sale that I purchased specifically to roll out polymer clay for jewelry making.  I've been collecting clay "equipment" such as texture plates, cutters, etc.  And this summer I stumbled upon a huge box of polymer clay at a garage sale and bought a little toaster oven.  Everything was in place to start creating I just got up the nerve and did it!  
Here's the first piece I'm going to share with you.  
I love using ice resin with the clay...such a beautiful finish! 
PearlEx powders add just the right amount of accent to the clay's texture. 
No piece of clay went to waste.  I used all the leftover pieces to make small beads and charms.
Like this necklace? You can purchase it for yourself over at my ETSY SHOP

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