
Saturday, December 26, 2015

One Snowman Design Painted on Three Surfaces

This sweet snowman is my interpretation of a design by Debra Henkener.  It was originally painted on a small square of watercolor paper and used as a pendant.  I used my own color palette, created the typography and put the design on three different surfaces.
Shown above is the snowman painted on the first surface, a plain wooden plaque.  I painted the sides black, which really made the turquoise background pop.  I have this piece for sale on my BLOG if you'd like it to hang in your own home!
Liking how the design looked with the black around it, I then put him on surface number two, a little ash shovel.  I finished the shovel off with a wired ribbon bow and some floral accents. This piece is also for sale HERE.
I also painted the snowman (and gave him some arms) on this child's metal folding chair.
Since this chair was meant to be used, I put three layers of polycrylic on the seat.
This piece was quite an attention getter at the craft shows.  

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