
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pet Week! Winner Announcement

What a great "Pet Week" it's been. 
Hope you were able to grab some ideas, a SVG file or two, and maybe even have your creative juices recharged, so that you will create scrapbook pages for your furry friends.  Next time I do this, I definately have to make some bird SVGs
as there were some great bird stories and layouts shared. 
Thanks to everyone who made a donation for the CAT Word Book.  I'm happy to say that because of you, a donation to the Otsego County Animal Shelter of $30 will be made. 
And what wonderful pet stories were shared.  Not only here on the blog but by email and postings on Yahoo message boards.  I read each and every one.  We love to create and we love the animals who share our lives....we are truly blessed.
And now.....The winner of the Little Giveaway is....Danielle
who wrote "We had a wonderful cat named Fudge. He was part ragdoll and weighed 30+ pounds....."
True Random Number Generator 6 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Congratulations Danielle!!!  Please email me with your address so I can get your prize out.


  1. Congratulations Danielle. I can't imagine a 30 pound cat. How cute!

  2. Wow...that is one huge cat! Congratulations!!!!

  3. I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your pet week. It was really nice seeing all your great layouts and the other people's as well. Loved the stories although I see there are more now so I know I didn't read them all. Any ways, thanks for doing the pet week, I had a blast.


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